Mobile App for Members (iOS): A Guide for Admins


WildApricot's Mobile App for Members lets your organization's members and other contacts to log in and view content drawn from your WildApricot website and database.

Any contact who has a login for your WildApricot website, whether they are a member or not, can access your member app.

You can control whether the app can access data from your account and what content appears on the Mobile App for Members in the Apps settings for your account.

Download the iOS Mobile App for Members

This app was designed for the iPhone but is also compatible with the iPad and iPod touch, and requires iOS version 10.0 or later.

Setting up the app in your WildApricot account

Before your members can use the Mobile App for Members, you must enable it within your WildApricot Apps settings

To access your Apps settings in your WildApricot account, follow these steps:

1. In the admin view, select Apps on the sidebar menu.

2. In Apps, select Mobile app for members.

3. Select Enable member app. Make any additional setting selections, then Save.

For a deeper dive on each setting, view Mobile App for Members: Account Settings.

Logging in

When your members first open the app, they will be asked whether they wish to receive notifications, like renewal reminders, from the app. Next, they will be asked to log in using the same email address and password they use to access your WildApricot website online.

If there are multiple WildApricot accounts associated with their email address and password, members will be then asked to choose the organization they want to log into.

Members will be asked to agree to the terms of use, if they haven’t already done so on the browser version of WildApricot. 

To log out of the app, members use their profile screen.

Renewing memberships

On the member's profile tab, an option to renew will appear, along with the date of their next renewal.

If the member's renewal date is within a week, the message indicating the number of days to renewal will appear, along with a Renew button they can tap to start the renewal process.

If the member enabled notifications from the app, renewal reminder messages will also appear in their device's notification center.

If their membership has expired, the message to that effect will appear.

When the member taps the Renew button, a screen will appear where they can review and update their membership details. If a discount coupon was enabled for membership renewals for the current membership level, a field will appear where the member can enter the coupon code.

After the member taps the Continue button at the bottom of the screen, they will have the option to pay online or get invoiced, depending on whether you have enabled those options for the current membership level. 

If the member chooses to be invoiced, an option will appear on their profile tab to complete the renewal process by paying online.

Cancel a pending membership renewal

A member can cancel a membership renewal they have intiated but not yet paid. 

If a member selects Cancel renewal instead of Pay renewal invoice, the renewal will be canceled, the invoice will be voided, and the renewal date will stay the same. 

Viewing the member directory

Unless you have disabled it within your mobile app settings, members can view your member directory by tapping Members at the bottom of the screen.

Pro Tip: If you want a photo or profile image to appear for each member, create a contact field of the type Picture in your database. For details, see Adding profile pictures or avatars.

Within your app settings, you can control which kinds of members appear within the directory. Members who have set their profiles to private within their privacy settings will not appear regardless of your settings.

Tapping on a member within the directory will display that member's profile (subject to their privacy settings). 

To send an email message to the member, tap the member's email address.

To copy the contents of a profile field, tap the field.

Viewing the events list

Unless you have disabled it within your mobile app settings, members can view an event calendar showing upcoming events by tapping Events list at the bottom of the screen.

Tapping any of the events within the list will display the details of that event.

To add the event to your calendar app, tap Add to calendar. You'll be asked for permission to access your calendar.

Tapping on the location within the event details will display the location within your map app.

To view the event description, tap the Info tab.

To view the registrants who have agreed to have their names listed, tap the Registrants tab.

If the event has multiple sessions, you can tap the Sessions tab to view session details.

Members can register for the event by tapping the Register button beside the appropriate ticket type. The registration form will appear, along with options to specify the number of guests and indicate whether the registrant wants to appear within the public list of event registrants.

The registrant cannot specify the number of guests if the admin set the ticket type to collect contact information or require full registration information.

Once they complete the registration form and tap Continue, their payment options will appear. Depending on the payment method chosen when the event was set up, members might see Invoice me and/or Pay online buttons.

Once they click a payment option and complete the registration, their ticket will appear on the My tickets screen.

If the option to automatically delete an event registration if not paid within 15 minutes is enabled, a countdown will appear indicating the number of minutes left.

Joining the waitlist for an event

If an admin has enabled a registration limit and waitlist in the Ticket types & settings for the event, then members can join the waitlist through the app. Admins can enable the waitlist option for entire events or for specific ticket types. 

When an event or ticket type has reached its registration limit, and the admin has enabled a waitlist, the member will see a Join waitlist prompt next to the ticket type in place of the Register prompt. 

After a member has successfully joined the waitlist, the Event details screen for that event will include a waitlist notation in the member's display.

Viewing event tickets

Members can view their existing event tickets by tapping My tickets at the bottom of the screen.

Tapping one of the tickets within the list will display the event details.

If the event registration fee is not fully paid, members can tap the Pay button to pay the fee online.

To display the QR code to scan for quick event check-in, tap the QR code option.

To cancel an event registration, a member clicks the Cancel button within the event details. 

The option to cancel a registration is only available if the site administrator has enabled it for the ticket type.

Users are asked to confirm their request to cancel the event registration.

Viewing and updating your profile

Members can view and update their own member profile by tapping My profile at the bottom of the screen.

To update their member profile, a member taps the action button then taps the Edit profile option.

The action button menu also includes an option for the member to log out of their WildApricot account.

Members can view their membership card by tapping the My card option.

Supporting your member app

You might want to share the instructions on this page with your members because WildApricot provides support to site administrators but not to your individual members.

What can your members do with the member app?

  • Renew their membership
  • View a member directory
  • View another member's profile
  • Email their fellow members
  • View a calendar of upcoming events
  • View details of upcoming events
  • Add events to their device calendar
  • Register for an event and pay the registration fee
  • Join a waitlist for an event that has reached its registration limit
  • Specify the number of guests (if the ticket type was set up to collect the total number of guests only)
  • View their existing event tickets
  • Cancel an existing event registration (if canceling has been enabled by your site administrator)
  • Pay an outstanding event registration fee
  • View and update their member profile
  • View their membership card

What can't your members do with the member app?

  • Specify contact or registration information for guests


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