reCaptcha anti-spam settings

To prevent automated software – known as spambots – from creating bogus accounts or bombarding your blog or forum with spam posts and comments, you can enable Wild Apricot's anti-spam reCaptcha feature. You can enable or disable reCaptcha separately for different types of forms, including membership application forms, event registration forms, forum posts, and blog comments.

With reCaptcha enabled, visitors to your site will have to enter a set of characters – proving them to be a person rather than a program – before they can submit the form.

The reCaptcha solution may be blocked in certain countries including China.

Using a form with reCaptcha

If Captcha is enabled for a particular type of form, the form will require that the user clicks a checkbox to verify that they are not an automated software program.

Enabling reCaptcha

To enable reCaptcha for different types of forms, go to the Website module then click Settings within the menu bar at the top of the screen. On the screen that appears, click Anti-spam settings (reCaptcha) under Website security. From the Anti-spam settings screen, click the checkbox beside the desired form types then click Save changes.

Note that anti-spam settings cannot be turned off for the public on certain pages like blogs, forums, send message forms, subscription forms, and the Forgot password page.

You can enable reCaptcha to appear when forms are visible to the public, just members, or both.

Within reCaptcha settings, logged-in non-member contacts are considered public visitors.


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