Enabling recurring payments for an existing level

Any existing membership level can be changed to enable recurring payments. The next time a member renews their membership, they will be prompted to enter their payment details.

A renewal invoice will be generated and a renewal reminder will be emailed according to the renewal settings of the membership level. 

When changing an existing level to one with recurring payments, make sure you check the Generate invoice option within the Renewal reminders & actions section of the level's renewal settings.

This ensures that an invoice will be generated for members on recurring levels whose recurring payments have not yet been set up.

The member can then provide their payment details and thereby renew their membership by clicking the Renew link within the renewal reminder email, or by clicking the Renew button that appears on the Invoices & payments tab of their member profile.

The Renew button will appear beginning the number of days before the renewal date specified within the renewal settings.

If the member does not provide their payment details, they will not be able to renew their membership for the recurring level. If the member does not renew their membership within the period specified in the renewal settings, their membership may lapse or be automatically switched to a different level, according to your settings.

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