Importing members from MemberClicks

You can export your membership data from MemberClicks then import it into Wild Apricot. Importing members from MemberClicks into Wild Apricot involves the following steps:

1. Export your MemberClicks database

From MemberClicks, export your membership database to a .CSV spreadsheet file.

2. Adjust the spreadsheet

After exporting your MemberClicks membership database to a spreadsheet, you need to rename the columns in the spreadsheet as shown below.

GroupMembership level
Phone NumberPhone
Membership Expiration DateRenewal due
You don't have to set the passwords yourself when adding members in bulk from a spreadsheet. Instead, following the import, you can send the new members an email blast including the {Contact_Password_Reset_URL} macro, which will appear as a link they can click on to set their own passwords.

3. Upload the spreadsheet file

Once you've adjusted the spreadsheet containing your MemberClicks membership data, you upload the spreadsheet file to your Wild Apricot account.

To upload your spreadsheet file, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the Contacts menu and select the Import option.
  2. Click the Choose file or Browse button (depending on your browser).
  3. Select the import file on your computer or network then click the Open button.
  4. Click the Upload button.

Wild Apricot will now upload and analyze the spreadsheet file.

4. Review import file settings

The next step in Wild Apricot's import wizard is reviewing and adjusting the import file settings. Normally, you would leave these settings alone and just click the Next button to continue.

5. Confirm the mapping of spreadsheet columns to database fields

At this stage in the import process, you confirm that the columns in your spreadsheet are mapping to the correct fields in your Wild Apricot database.

On the mapping screen, each column in your import file is listed, along with the values for the first 3 records in the file. mapping-x98.png

For each column that you want to import into your Wild Apricot database, make sure that Import checkbox is checked. If the Import checkbox is unchecked, the column name will appear crossed out, and the column values will not be imported.

Within each Map to drop-down list, make sure that your spreadsheet columns are mapping to the corresponding field in your Wild Apricot contact database. Columns will be automatically mapped if they use the same name as a field in your contact database. Columns that you have chosen to import but haven't mapped to a database field will be displayed in red. To map a column to a field, select a value in the Map to drop-down list.

For Membership level, enable the option to create new field values found in the spreadsheet.

For fields that you want to import other than Email, Membership level, Organization, Phone, Renewal date, and Notes, select the NEW field - for all contacts to add the field as a common field (to apply to all contacts including non-members) or NEW field - only for members to add the field as a member-only field. For new fields, you must also select a field type.

You cannot change the field type after you have performed the import.

You can also indicate whether the new field should be for internal use only.

After you have finished mapping columns to fields, click the Next button to continue.

6. Process the import file

The final step in the import process is to process your import file. From the screen that appears, click the Start import button.

Once the import process has started, a progress bar will appear. progress--68.png

If you have other tasks to work on, you can leave this screen safely and the import will continue in the background. To review the progress of the import later, return to the Import screen within the Contacts module.

7. Review the imported records

Once the import is finished, a detailed summary of the import will appear. The import details include:

  • the name of the administrator who performed the import
  • the date and time of the import
  • the name of the import file
  • any notes entered for the import
  • the number of records created or update
  • the number of new members
  • how long the import took to complete
  • the number of import errors

If there were any problems with the import, the number of errors will appear as a link beside the Problems heading. Clicking this link will display the list of errors within the import log. The details of the error will be displayed beside the number of the row in the spreadsheet that produced the error.

To view the status of all rows within the import spreadsheet – not just the ones with errors – click the Filter drop-down and select All rows.

You can also access the import log by clicking the Import log link within the import details.


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