Authorizing external applications


For an external app to integrate with your WildApricot database, you must first authorize the app to access your WildApricot account. During authorization, the external app will be assigned a unique API key.

You can manage external apps and integrations in Admin > Apps.

Only a full account administrator can authorize external applications to access your WildApricot account.

Note: You can build many automated workflow integrations using Make.

To learn more, see our help article Using Make with WildApricot and visit

► Want to dive deeper into APIs? Check out our article Using WildApricot's API 

Authorizing an application

Follow these steps to grant authorization for external apps to access your WildApricot account:

  1. Select Apps from the sidebar menu in the admin view, then select Authorized applications
  2. Click the Authorize application button at the top of the screen.
  3. Select the appropriate option:

    Server application
    A server-side application that requires data from your WildApricot account

    User authorization
    A client application that requires the authorization of individual WildApricot users, such as a mobile app

    For more information, see Integrating with WordPress

  4. On the Application details screen, provide a name for the external app you want to authorize. You will use this name to identify the app within your account's list of authorized applications.

  5. A unique API key is displayed under the Application name field. Highlight and copy the API key to your clipboard. You will be prompted for this API key when you set up the external app for integration.

Important Note: You must complete all authorization steps within WildApricot and Save before you can use the API key to configure the external app.

6. Choose your API access setting. Full access is the recommended selection unless you are integrating WordPress.

Important Note: If you choose the Read only option in the Application details settings, then the application will not be able to update or add to your WildApricot database.

7. If the app you are integrating requires OAuth credentials, click Generate client secret.

8. If you want your WildApricot users to sign in to the external app and their WildApricot account with a single sign-on (SSO), select Authorize users via WildApricot's single sign-on service. See Single sign-on service for more information.Notes about SSO:

  • If you authorize SSO, specify the Organization name and any Introductory text to be displayed on the single sign-on screen.
  • You can also allow users to log in via social networks. If you enable this option, buttons for social networks will appear on the single sign-on screen.
  • Provide the SSO redirect URL in the box as directed. View our in-depth article on single sign-on service for more details.

9. Click Save at the top left corner of the screen after you have provided all of the application details. You will see the external app listed among your Authorized applications.

10. You can now configure the external application for integration with your WildApricot account using the API key you copied in Step 5, above.

Deauthorizing an application

You can deauthorize an external app by clicking the Deauthorize button below the application name.


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