Emails list

The Emails list displays a list of all unsent emails, including scheduled emails and drafts. Sent emails are listed in the Email log.

To view the Emails list, navigate to Communication > Email in the admin view.

The emails are listed in order by creation date, beginning with the most recent. For each email, the subject of the email is displayed, along with the creation date, and the name of the person who created it.

Filtering the list

You can filter the Emails list in several ways:

  • To show only those emails whose subject or details matches a particular search string, enter that string in the Quick search field.
  • To show only those emails that you have created, set the Show filter to Only mine. To show all emails, set the Show filter to All.
  • To show just scheduled emails, set the Status filter to Scheduled. To show just unscheduled email drafts, set the Status filter to Drafts. To show all emails regardless of status, set the Status filter to All.

These filter options work in combination. For example, if you set the Show filter to Only mine, set the Status filter to Scheduled, and enter a search string in the Quick search field, then only scheduled emails that you have created that match the search string will be displayed.

Creating a new email

To create a new email while viewing the Emails list, click Compose email in the top left corner of the screen.

For detailed instructions on designing the layout and content of manual emails, view Using the email editor

Duplicating an existing email

To duplicate an existing email draft, hover over the draft within the list then select the Duplicate option from the Edit dropdown that appears.

The new duplicate email will be opened in the editor.

Before you can duplicate a scheduled email, you have to pause it by hovering over the email within the Emails list and clicking the Pause button.

The duplicate email will have word the word (copy) will be appended to the subject line to distinguish it from the original draft. The creation date and the name of the creator will be changed to the current time and the current administrator.

Modifying an existing email

To resume editing an unscheduled email draft, click on its subject within the list. email draft-IBQ.png

To modify a scheduled email, first pause it by hovering over the title within the Emails list and clicking the Pause button. a scheduled email-eC0.png

Now, you can click the email subject to open the email editor and modify your message.

Deleting an email

To delete an unscheduled email draft, hover over the draft within the list then select the Delete option from the Edit dropdown that appears. email draft-nV8.png

To delete a scheduled email, hover over the email title in the list, click the Pause button, then click Delete. Deleting a draft removes it permanently.


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