Member privacy - Global settings

Configuring member privacy default settings

This article helps you set the privacy defaults for future members and choose whether to apply the new settings to all existing members.

To set privacy defaults for all members, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to Settings > Members and select Privacy

2. Click Edit in the top left corner of the screen.  

Member profile access section
If you uncheck the Show profile to others option, then members will not be listed in the member directory, and non-member users will not be able to jump to a member's profile by clicking their name within the directory. 

If you uncheck the Allow member photo albums option, then members will not be able to create member photo albums. To allow members to create member photo albums but limit the number of albums that members can create, check the Limit to checkbox and enter the maximum number of albums you want to allow. 

Member profile page title section
In this section you control how members are identified within the title section of their member profile.

Show details section
In this section, you can configure the access settings for individual database fields and website features.

  • Linked bundle members
    If you've set up a bundle membership level, you can use this setting to determine whether a list of fellow bundle members appears within each bundle coordinator's public profile.

3. After making your selections, click the Lock changes checkbox for any item that you don't want individual members to be able to override. Members will be unable to change the privacy setting for that field within the Privacy tab of their member profile.

4. Click Save at the top left corner of the screen when you are finished making all changes. 

5. You will then be asked whether you want to apply these changes to existing members as well as new members.

  • If you only want to apply your changes to new members, click Leave existing records alone
  • If you want to apply the changes to all existing members as well, click Apply to all records.
    • If you choose to apply the changes to all existing member records, you will be asked to confirm the request by entering the word REAPPLY in the field provided. After entering the word, click the OK button.


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