• Overview
• Account summary
• Members
• Upcoming events
• Revenue
• Newsletters
• Recently updated pages
• Online store sales
• Recent donations
On your Dashboard, you'll find information about our latest release, any important service notices that may affect your account, and helpful summaries of data drawn from your WildApricot account.
The Dashboard is made up of widgets that gather information from different parts of your account and display the data in a way that's easy to understand and read quickly. These can be especially helpful in developing and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) for your organization.
To view your Dashboard, select Account from the admin sidebar menu, then select Dashboard.
Note: Some data is only displayed in the Dashboard for specific administrator roles. For example, membership managers will see membership income, including details for new applications, renewals, and level changes. Similarly, event managers will see event income, and donation managers will see donation income.
Account summary
The account summary widget provides an overview of your WildApricot account. This includes your subscription plan, renewal date, your unique URL, the number of active members in your account, and a monthly revenue summary.
The monthly revenue equals the total value of payments received minus the total value of refunds issued in the current month. Charges that have been invoiced but not yet collected are not included in this figure.
The members widget provides a quick overview of membership trends for your account over the past 12 months, with spotlights on data for the current month.
The following member totals are displayed:
- All – all members, excluding suspended members
- New – new members added this month, using the Member since date
- Lapsed – members whose status changed to lapsed this month
To view the member list for a specific category, click on the number.
Upcoming events
The upcoming events widget displays a snapshot of your organization's next three upcoming events.
Click on the name of an event to view the event details. Click on the number of registrants shown for an event to view the list of registrants and invitees for that event.
Click the numbers in the top right corner to open the list of upcoming events with registrations still open, the list of upcoming events with registrations closed, or the list of events that are only visible to administrators. Click Past to view a list of past events.
The revenue widget displays a breakdown of your account revenue. Hover your cursor over a vertical line on the chart to see a more granular breakdown of revenue for each month.
Only payments received during the current month are included in the income totals listed along the top of the chart. Amounts invoiced during the month are only counted if they are paid during the month.
The newsletters widget displays a summary of your most recent manual emails.
The newsletters widget will appear on the Dashboards of full administrators, read-only administrators, and newsletter administrators.
The newsletters widget has separate sections for the most recent manual email drafts, scheduled manual emails, and sent manual emails. Click an email's subject to open the editor or view delivery details.
Using the toggle, you can chose to display all drafts or only those drafts that you personally have created.
Recently updated pages
This widget displays a list of the most recently updated web pages on your WildApricot user-facing website. This widget does not include web page templates or system pages.
This section appears on the Dashboards of full administrators, read-only administrators, and website managers.
- The Drafts column lists pages that are not yet viewable to the public
- The Restricted column lists pages with restricted access
- The For all column lists pages with public access
Click on the name of a web page to open it. Use the toggle to view only those drafts that you personally have created.
Online store sales
The online store sales widget appears in the Dashboard for full administrators, read-only administrators, and store managers.
Along the top, the widget shows the number of unfulfilled orders, the total number of orders, the total store sales revenue, and the net store sales revenue for the current month. You can click on any number to display the list of orders received within a category. Net sales equal total sales minus taxes and shipping costs.
For each top-selling product during the previous 90 days, the widget displays the product photo, the product name, the number of paid orders, and the total number of pieces ordered. You can jump to the store listing for a particular product by clicking on its name.
To display all store orders, click the All orders link at the bottom of the screen. To display all store products, click the All products link.
Recent donations
The recent donations widget displays a list of the one-time and recurring donations received during the current month.
Recent donations appear on the Dashboards of full administrators, read-only administrators, and donation managers.
For each donation, the widget displays the amount, the name of the donor, and the date of the donation. Click on the donor's name to view their donation record.