Add links to your policies in your website footer

By adding links to your Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Terms of Use within your page footer, you ensure that these policies are available on every page of your website.

To add policy links in your website footer, follow these steps:

1. In the admin view, select Website from the sidebar menu.

2. In the website editor, select Page templates from the top menu.

3. From the list of page templates, select Standard template (Header & Footer).

Note: The Standard template (Header & Footer) is included with most website themes, but the specific page template that contains your page footer may differ if you've made changes to your website's design.

4. Click Edit (in the top left corner of the screen).

5. With the template open in edit mode, scroll to the bottom of the content area to locate the footer text. 

6. Click anywhere in the footer text to open both the Content gadget editor in the left panel and the content editor toolbar at the top of the screen.

7. Change the text within the footer as needed. 

8. To add a link to your policy, follow these steps:

  1. Type the name of the policy
  2. Highlight the text you just typed
  3. Using the editor toolbar at the top of the screen, locate the Link option, and select Insert link

9. In the Insert link popup that appears, you have the option to provide the URL to your policy or select an existing Site page of your WildApricot website to link to.

If you already created a Site page for each policy within a Policy Center on your website menu, you can select the policy page and then click Insert link. Otherwise, provide the URL for your policy under the Website/Email tab and click Insert link.

10. In the content editor, you'll notice the hyperlinked text is highlighted in blue font.

11. When you have finished inserting your policy links, click Save in the top left corner of the screen.

All pages that were built with that template will now display your policy links in the footer.

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