On the Donation settings screen, you can control whether recurring donation options appear on your donation form, and add or modify donation fields.
Only full administrators and donation managers can adjust donation settings.
Recurring donation frequency options
In this section, check the recurring donation options you want to appear on your donation form, in addition to the one-time donation option. Each option you choose will appear within the Payment frequency section of the donation form.
The recurring payments options are only available if your Wild Apricot site is connected to a Wild Apricot Payments/AffiniPay account.
For more information on recurring donations, click here.
Donation fields
Here, you can add new donation fields and modify or delete existing ones. You can choose the donation fields you want displayed on your donation form as part of the settings for the donation form gadget.
The Amount field and Payment frequency field are system fields that cannot be deleted, but they can be renamed. The Amount field cannot be excluded from the donation form.
Adding a donation field
To add a new donation field, click the Add new field button within the Donation settings screen.
For each field, you can change the following settings:
Field label
The name used to identify the field. The field label must be unique among all donor fields and common fields.
Required field
Controls whether the field has to be filled out before the form can be submitted.
Field instructions
Instructions explaining how to use this field. For information on controlling the appearance of field instructions, see Adding field instructions.
Modifying an existing donation field
To modify an existing donation field, click it within the list. With the field selected, you can change various field settings but not the field type.
The Amount field is a system field that cannot be deleted. The Amount field settings allow you to control how the donor indicates the donation amount. The following options are available:
The donor can enter any amount. If you choose this option, you should enter instructions to the donor in the Entry label field.
You provide the donor with a list of labeled amounts to choose from. For each option, enter a label (e.g. Bronze) and amount. Click the green plus sign to add more donation options and the red minus sign to remove them.
You can choose between these options or use both.

Depending on which options you choose, your form can look like one of the following:
Custom donation only
Choice of predefined donation options
Custom and predefined options
Deleting an existing donation field
To delete an existing donation field, click it within the list, then click the delete link on the right.
You cannot delete the Amount or Payment frequency field, but you can rename these.
Field types
The following field types are available:
Simple text field, used for short entries (up to 200 characters).
Multiline text
Used for longer text entries (up to 3,000 characters).
Multiple choice
A set of checkboxes (up to 100 characters per item). For instructions on adding choices, see Adding choices to multi-option fields below.
Radio buttons
A set of mutually exclusive choices (up to 100 characters per item), arranged like buttons on a car radio. For instructions on adding choices, see Adding choices to multi-option fields below.
A set of mutually exclusive choices, arranged in a drop-down list. For instructions on adding choices, see Adding choices to multi-option fields below.
Rules and terms
A checkbox with a link to a page displaying the terms of use or contractual conditions that apply to your site. For more information, see Rules and terms field below.
Displays a calendar control that can be used to select a date.
Section divider
Used to group and separate fields. The field label you choose will appear as a section heading, but only if there are fields below it.
Adding choices to multi-option fields
When you create a field using the Multiple choice, Radio buttons, or Dropdown type, you add items that represent choices for the user.
Using the Items text box, you add one item per line, up to 100 characters per item. (Press Enter on your keyboard to move to the next line). You can also paste text from another program to speed up text entry.
There are some pre-defined lists that you can use to add large sets of choices:
- U.S. states
- Canadian provinces
- Countries
To use one of these lists, select the one you want to use from the list box labeled Select pre-defined value to insert then click Insert.

Once you are finished populating your list, click Done to save your list. You still need to click the Save all changes button at the top of the screen to finalize all the changes to this and any other fields you might have added or modified.
After you click Done, new options appear to allow you to manage your list.
The following options apply to the entire list:
- Sort
Sorts the list by alphabetical order. The first click will sort it from A to Z. A second click will sort it from Z to A. - Add multiple items
Opens a window with a text box where you can multiple items one line at a time. Existing items will not appear in the list. New items will be added to the bottom of the list. You can move them individually or use the Sort button to re-sort the list. - Clear
Removes all items from the list.
If you click on an item within the list, you can change its text. As well, the following options now appear beside the item:
Moves the item up or down within the list.
Adds a new item below the selected one. You can also add a new item to the bottom of the list by clicking on the Add new item link at the top of the item list.
Removes the item.
Select/deselects the item as the default choice. Radio buttons and drop-downs can only have one default selection, while checkboxes can have multiple items selected by default.