Create a Policy Center for your website


Note: This article helps you create a Policy Center as a menu item on your website, where you can publish all of your policies in one spot for easy access. For information about what policies your organization should include on your website and how to create each policy, please view our article on Policy management.

Locating all of your organization's relevant policies under one menu item on your website helps visitors easily find and access them, while also demonstrating compliance with global data privacy regulations. 

With a nested page design, your Policy Center page will serve as the parent page, which will appear as an item on your website menu, and each individual policy will be a child page located under the parent Policy Center menu item. 

Follow the steps below to create a nested website page that will serve as a Policy Center for your WildApricot website.

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Our Partner Network can assist you. Visit the WildApricot Partner Network directory and select Website customization from the Services menu to view a list of consultants you can contact directly for help.

Part 1 - Add the parent page

1. Select Website from the sidebar menu in your admin view.

2. In Site pages, select Add page

3. In Page settings, enter the name of the parent page. This title will appear in the website menu and will serve as the parent page for all of your individual policy child pages. The Page URL will automatically populate when you save the new page's settings.

Pro Tip: We recommend naming the parent page Policy Center or similar.

4. Select the Page template you would like to use for the parent page. 

Pro Tip: We recommend selecting the Plain layout template or similar.

5. Select the position where the parent page will appear in the website menu. Choose After selected page, and then select the page title that you want the parent page to appear after, or to the right of, within your website menu. See the examples below for clarification.

In the example images below, the admin clicked After selected page, then selected Contact. This setting will display the Policy Center menu option after, or to the right of the Contact page in the menu:

6. For Access Level, select Public

Note: The default Access Level setting for all new site pages is Admin only, so change this setting to Public when creating your new Policy Center pages.

7. Click Save at the top left corner of the screen.

Part 2 - Add a child page for each policy

The following steps describe how to add a child page for a specific policy, located under your Policy Center parent page. You will repeat these steps for each policy you wish to make publicly available within your Policy Center. 

The following steps assume that you have already completed the steps in Part 1 - Add the parent page, above.

1. In Website > Site pages, select Add page

2.  In Page settings, enter the name of the policy. The Page URL will automatically populate when you save the new page's settings.

3. Select a Page template.

4. For Position in Menu, select Child of selected page, then choose Policy Center (or the title of your parent page). 

5. For Access Level, select Public

Pro Tip: The default Access Level setting for all new site pages is Admin only, so be sure to change this setting to Public when creating your new Policy Center pages.

6. Click Save at the top left corner of the screen.

7. Repeat steps 1 - 6 above for each policy. When finished, you will see each policy page listed as an option under Policy Center in the website menu. 

Part 3 - Add the policy content to each policy page

There are several ways you can add your actual policy content onto your website's policy pages:

Method #1
If you have set up an account with Termly to create your organization's policies, you can use WildApricot's custom HTML gadget to add the HTML generated by Termly to each policy page. 

Method #2
If your policy text is in the form of a document, you can copy the text from each policy document and paste it directly into a content gadget on each policy page.

Method #3
If your policy text is in the form of a document, you can upload your policy documents to your WildApricot Files and insert a link to each policy's URL on a website page.

Get help from a pro

Need help creating your policies or publishing them on your website?

Our Partner Network can assist you. Visit the WildApricot Partner Network directory, select Website customization from the Services menu, and you'll see a list of consultants you can contact directly for help.


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