Payments setup checklist

  1. Choose how you want to accept payments.

    Select Settings from the sidebar menu, then select Payment settings in the Global settings screen.

    You can set up your account to accept online payments for membership dues, event registrations, donations, and other invoice payments. For help with setting up online payments, see Online payments.

    You can accept and track other payment types too, such as checks, cash, or wire transfers. See Payment settings to learn more.

  2. Set up your payment types.

    In Finances, select Payment types from the top menu. Payment types indicate the method by which a payment is received. They let you classify and filter payments within Finances. 

  3. Select your tax settings. 

    In Finances, select Taxes from the top menu. You can set up sales tax or VAT and automatically apply them to transactions. To learn more, see our help center article on Taxes.

  4. Customize your invoices and receipts.

    In Finances, select Invoice & receipt settings from the top menu. To learn more, see Invoice settings and Payment receipt settings.


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