Step 1: Choose a website theme
Your WildApricot website comes with a default design theme. If you're happy with your theme's appearance, you can skip ahead to Step 2: Set up your page template.
You can preview and select a different theme by following the steps below.
Pro Tip: We recommend that you finalize any modifications to the theme of your website before you begin adding content.
- In the Admin view of your WildApricot account, select Website from the sidebar menu.
- In the Website screen, select Theme from the top menu.
- The Theme screen provides examples of several design and color options for your website. If you'd like to preview one, click on the sample image and then click Apply selected theme at the top of your screen.
- When prompted, select Preview.
- After previewing, choose Make new theme permanent or Revert back to previous. If you select the permanent option, you'll be prompted to verify your choice, then the new theme will be applied to your website.
Pro Tip: To create your own theme or to customize an existing one, developers can provide their own code through the Theme override option. To learn more, see About theme overrides.
Want to learn more? Check out our article on Themes.
Step 2: Set up your page template
WildApricot's Standard template provides the basic features and navigation elements for your website. You can change the default content of your Standard template by following these steps:
Note: It's important to remember that modifying a page template means the changes will be applied to all website pages using that template. To create or edit an individual page, please see Step 3: Add content to your website pages.
- In the Admin view, navigate to Website > Page templates.
- In the Page templates screen, you'll see the Standard template listed on the sidebar menu of templates. Click Standard template to open.
The Standard template provides a header and footer, a menu, and a basic page layout with space for several gadgets.
- Click Edit to change the template's default layout and add or delete gadgets.
- When you have finished making changes to your Standard template, click Save in the top left corner of your screen.
The changes you made will appear on all pages that use the Standard template.
Want to learn more? Check out our article on Page templates.
Step 3: Add content to your website pages
Your WildApricot website comes with prebuilt sample pages that give structure to your website. You can edit, create, and reorder individual pages of your website in Site pages.
- In the Admin view, navigate to Website > Site pages.
- To edit a site page, click on the page name in the sidebar menu and then select Edit.
Locate Page settings on the left side of your screen. Rename the page and its URL, choose the page's position in the menu, and select the user access level for the page.
In the Edit view, you can add gadgets, change the layout, and create content for your page.
To add a new page to your website, click Add page and select the type of page you want to add.
Click Save at the top of the screen when you're done editing.
Want to learn more? See Site pages.