By default, copies of automatic emails are sent to your organization contact – the person whose email appears in the Contact email field on your Organization details screen. To send copies to other people in your organization, you can specify additional system email recipients.
Automatic emails will come from the email address specified in the From email field on your Organization details screen. The reply-to address will be the address entered in the Contact email field on that same screen.
Password email
The password email is automatically sent when a new contact is added to your database through an online form. The password email is not sent when the contact is added manually or through importing. You can prevent non-member contacts from automatically being sent the password email by unchecking the following option on the Password email screen.
Membership emails
Membership emails are sent when someone applies for membership in your organization, when they approach their membership renewal, and when they renew their membership. For details on controlling who receives these emails and when, see below.
Membership application emails
Membership application emails are sent when someone completes the membership application form. Bundle activation emails are sent when a new membership bundle is created, or a new member is added to an existing bundle.
Automatic emails are not sent when a contact or member is added manually by an administrator. An administrator can manually send a password email to the contact by clicking the Email new password button from the Login details section of the Contact details tab on their contact record.
To control the delivery of membership application emails or bundle activation emails, go to the New applications tab for each membership level.
The following types of membership application emails are available:
Application initiation
Timing: When the member application is submitted and it requires payment or administrator approval
Possible recipients: Applicant and/or organization contact
Member activation
Timing: When new membership is activated or application invoice is fully settled
Possible recipients: Member and/or organization contact
Bundle coordinator activation
Timing: When new membership bundle is created or application invoice is fully settled
Possible recipients: Bundle coordinator and/or organization contact
Bundle member activation
Timing: When the new member is added to a membership bundle.
Possible recipients: Member, bundle coordinator, and/or organization contact
See also Invoices and receipts (below).
Renewal reminders
Renewal reminders and invoices are sent when a membership has not been renewed. To control the delivery of renewal reminders and invoices, go to the Renewal policy tab for each membership level.
The delivery of renewal invoices is not affected by the invoice settings on the Invoice and receipt settings screen.
The following types of renewal reminders are available:
Reminder 1, 2
Timing: x number of days before the renewal date
Possible recipients: Member and/or organization contact
Renewal invoice
Timing: Same as Reminder 1
Possible recipients: Member and/or organization contact
Renewal day notice
Timing: Renewal day
Possible recipients: Member and/or organization contact
Grace period notice
Timing: x number of days after the renewal date
Possible recipients: Member and/or organization contact
Lapsed notice
Timing: x number of days after the renewal date
Possible recipients: Member and/or organization contact
Renewal notifications
Renewal notifications are sent when a membership has been renewed, or when an automatically recurring renewal has failed. To control the delivery of renewal notifications, go to the Renewal policy tab for each membership level.
Membership level change emails cannot be customized or turned off.
The following types of renewal notifications are available:
Renewal pending
Timing: When membership renewal is initiated but renewal fee has not been paid online within 15 minutes
Possible recipients: Member and/or organization contact
Renewal confirmed
Timing: When membership renewal fee is fully paid
Possible recipients: Member and/or organization contact
Credit card expiry notification
Timing: Two weeks before and on the date of credit card expiry. Applies only to Stripe, Authorize.Net, and Payflow Pro payment gateways.
Possible recipients: Member and/or organization contact
Recurring renewal failed
Timing: When recurring payment for membership renewal fails
Possible recipients: Member and organization contact
Member level change initiated
Timing: When membership level change is initiated (unless online payment is completed within 15 minutes)
Possible recipients: Member
Member level change succeeded
Timing: When the new membership fee has been fully paid
Possible recipients: Member and organization contact
See also Invoices and receipts (below).
Event emails
For event announcements and reminders, you can control when the email is sent.
Email delivery is controlled separately for each event. To control email delivery for a particular event, go the Emails page for the event then click the Edit button.
Note: Announcements and reminders set to be delivered automatically are sent at midnight on the scheduled date, according to the event time zone.
You can control the following automatic emails for each event.
Announcement 1, 2, 3
Timing: x number of days before events
Possible recipients: All contacts (other than those already registered or waitlisted for this event) or any combination of members, donors, attendees from past events, selected membership levels, selected member groups, saved contact and member searches, and all contacts without membership, registrations, or donations
Reminder 1, 2, 3
Timing: x number of days before events
Possible recipients: Registrants (including guests)
Event registration confirmed
For paid events: after registration is paid or confirmed by an administrator
For free events: immediately
Possible recipients: Registrant, registrant's guests, and/or event organizer
Event registration pending
When registrant clicks Pay online button: After 15 minutes, unless online payment has been completed
When registrant clicks Confirm or Invoice me button: Immediately
Possible recipients: Registrant, registrant's guests, and/or event organizer
Event registration canceled
Timing: Immediately
Possible recipients: Registrant and/or event organizer
New waitlist registration
Timing: Immediately
Possible recipients: Registrant and/or event organizer
See also Invoices and receipts (below).
All event emails can be customized. For more information, see Event emails.
For donations, you can control whether a confirmation message and a receipt are sent to the donor and/or administrator.
The following types of automatic donation emails are available.
Timing: When the donation form is completed and payment is made
Possible recipient: Donor
Timing: When donation payment is received
Possible recipients: Donor and/or organization contact
You can turn off the receipt email but not the confirmation email for donations.
For information on customizing the confirmation email, see Customizing the donation confirmation email. For information on customizing donation receipts, see Customizing receipts.
Invoices and receipts
You can control whether invoices and receipts are sent to the payer and/or administrator, but any changes you make will be applied to all invoices and receipts issued throughout your entire system.
When are invoice emails sent?
- When the payer clicks Pay online button: After 15 minutes, unless online payment has been completed
- When the payer clicks Confirm or Invoice me button: Immediately
- For donations: Never
Receipts are sent to the payer and/or organization contact once the payment is received.
For information on customizing invoice and receipt emails, see Customizing invoices and Customizing receipts.
Scheduling automatic emails
WildApricot can send automatic emails according to the settings you choose.
Event announcements and reminders
Can be sent n days before the event's start time (where n is the number of days specified on the event's Emails tab)
Automatic member renewals
Can be sent n days before and/or after a renewal date (where n is the number of days specified on the membership level's Renewal policy tab)
Discussion forum daily notifications
Daily forum updates are sent at midnight of the following day.
Discussion forum weekly notifications
Weekly forum updates are sent at midnight every Sunday.
If you want an event announcement or reminder to be sent the day of the event, schedule the email to be sent 0 days before the event.
Turning off automatic emails
Some automatic emails cannot be turned off, including:
- Member level change email
- Recurring renewal failure notice
- Donation confirmation
- Password email
To turn off other automatic emails, follow the instructions below.
New membership emails
- Go to the New applications tab for each membership level.
- Uncheck everything under Application initiation email and Member activation email.
Renewal reminders and notifications
- Go to the Renewal policy tab for each membership level.
- Uncheck the email options under Renewal reminders and actions and Renewal notifications.
Event emails
- For each event, begin editing the event details.
- Click the Emails tab.
- If any of the event announcements or reminders are scheduled to be sent, click Change schedule then click Remove schedule.
- Uncheck everything under Registration emails.
- Hover over the Finances menu then click Invoice & receipt settings.
- Uncheck Send invoices for pending payments.
Payment receipts
- Hover over the Finances menu then click Invoice & receipt settings.
- Uncheck Send receipt to payer.
Donation receipts
- Hover over the Donations menu then click Donation receipt.
- Uncheck everything under Email donation receipt to.
In each case, you must save your changes when finished.